Frater Papyrus’ Prodigious Paper Paradigm

My first paid programming job was a HyperCard program for a literature course at my high school. It was like creating an electronic pop-up/movable book.

As an occultist, I love old grimoires and scrolls, and finely crafted esoteric books. As a a designer of interactive multimedia, I receive inspiration from ways of interacting with paper: pop-up and movable books; paper toys, tools, crafts, and masks; paper automata; etc. I have often wondered why there are not more pop-up and movable occult texts. I have a fantasy of developing an entire ritual practice around paper crafts, tentatively titled Frater Papyrus’ Prodigious Paper Paradigma paragon of peculiar practices in prophecy and prestidigitation provided by the plentiful and playful plasticity of paper and parchment.

Here are some re/sources that turn me on to this sort of thing:

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