I have created a new version of the Magical Probability Calculator. Edited (2015-12-29) to say you can view the code here, but it was written for Processing 1 and no longer works in 2 or 3 as-is, nor does the online Java applet work now. However, I have recently made a JavaScript version sans Processing.
Changes in v0.2:
- Updated m calculation to reflect changes made in Octavo.
- Fixed NaN errors for various combos of p=1, m=1.
- Added toggle for amplification/attenuation.
- Added dynamic text displaying calculations.
- Added graph to plot p_m.
- Added percentage views for glsbm.
Enhancement ideas:
- Add a toggle and slider for countermagic. (I had intended to do that for this release, but the logic to select ATT when e.g. the countermagic (M_C or Mcontra) exceeds M, was blowing up controlP5, and I did not find an elegant solution before the time I wanted to publish the new version.)