Arduino + fischertechnik

Related articles: Portable Arduino Lab | FBLR Mind-Controlled Robot

Arduino + fischertechnik 1

This week I blew the dust off my old fischertechnik Experimenta Computing kit to see about controlling it with Arduino. If I can control the kit with Arduino, I can get it to respond to the EPOC via OSC with Processing. More about that later.

The kit was made to interface with a PC via parallel port. It includes I/O for four motors/lamps/etc. (M1 – M4), eight binary switches (E1 – E8), and two analog inputs for pots, photo-resistors, etc. (EX, EY). The models on the base plate are powered through a distributing box that connects to the interface via a 20-pin IDC ribbon cable. Here is a pinout that I sorted out with a multimeter:
fischertechnik IDC Pinout

Obviously, Arduino has enough I/O to handle the kit’s variety — almost. The kit’s motors are powered by 6–9vdc, so I am using a Rugged Circuits motor driver shield and 9v battery to power two of them. The shield will not power four motors, but M3 and M4 can be connected to two of Arduino’s other PWM pins in order to power other components. Here is a sketch for a switch to turn the motor on when pressed:

#define M1 3 // motor output
#define M1_DIR 12 // direction output, not used in loop
#define E1 5 // binary input (push switch)

int toggle = 0;

void setup() {
  // configure all outputs off for now
  pinMode(M1, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(M1, LOW);
  pinMode(M1_DIR, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(M1_DIR, LOW);
  // configure input
  pinMode(E1, INPUT);
  analogWrite(M1, 0); // motor off for now

void loop() {
  if(digitalRead(E1) == HIGH) {
    toggle = 1;
  while(toggle == 1) {
    analogWrite(M1, 255);
    if(digitalRead(E1) == LOW) {
    toggle = 0;
  analogWrite(M1, 0);

Since the motor shield has stackable headers, I am thinking about creating a shield for the remaining I/O, using a Technological Arts IDC ribbon cable to breadboard adapter and an Adafruit proto shield kit.

Cf., a Scratch driver for fischertechnik kits.

Portable Arduino Lab

I have hot-glued my Arduino Duemilanove to the battery compartment lid of my Maxitronix 500-in-One electronics lab, making for a portable Arduino lab that includes:

  • 8 LEDs
  • Photo-transistor
  • CdS cell
  • Antenna coil
  • Tuning capacitor
  • DPDT swtich
  • 665-hole breadboard
  • 8 SPST switches
  • 8-digit LCD display
  • 7-segment LED display
  • 4-bit embedded microcomputer w/ keyboard
  • Speaker
  • Transformer
  • 50kΩ and 100kΩ potentiometers
  • Compartments and trays for loose components

The Arduino aligns with the spring terminals of the 7-segment display, such that the case closes perfectly.

Arduino Lab 1

Arduino Lab 2

Conductive Sigils

The next method for impregnation is the so-called charge with magic volts, using, for this purpose, the electromagnetic fluid. The volt is charged, after its creation, with an electromagnetic fluid. The qualities of the intelligence in question are concentrated into the centre of the volt by help of imagination, imperturbable confidence and sure power, and are so condensed by repeated action that the metal of the talisman absorbs the volt. When the process of charging by volts is repeated, the magician has to concentrate on the wish that the intelligence in question is connected to that particular volt and that it will bring about by it the desired causes in the Akasha-world, and with them the desired effects. // Franz Bardon, The Practice of Magical Evocation

Conductive sigils — i.e. sigils that pass an electric current — offer many possible uses in multimedia rituals, both mechanically as switches etc., and sympathetically to add or combine some magical quality to/with an electrical action. E.g., we could use a conductive rune as a switch to turn on an engine (like the Rune Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus). Sigils can be drawn with conductive inks on just about any surface including skin. 3D sigils may be sculpted from wire or other conductive materials. Sigils of varying resistances could initiate various actions depending on which sigil is selected.

Here is an example of a conductive sigil, which I made using the same tech for making printed circuit boards:

Conductive Sigil

Conductive Sigil 2  Conductive Sigil 3  Conductive Sigil Wired

I first drew the sigil using Inkscape and GIMP, then laser-printed it (600dpi) to a transparency that I used to transfer the image to a photosensitive circuit board, which I then developed and etched (the circuit board, developer, and etch solution are available as a kit from Jameco). You can also just draw a sigil on a blank board, using a black Sharpie, and then etch that. The process may be as elaborate (consecrate the materials, employ them during appropriate hours, chant while etching, etc.) or simple as you care for.

Conductive Sigil Design

To “charge” the sigil (no pun intended), I used Processing to play an appropriate song, and Arduino to send a voltage through the sigil, proportional to the varying amplitude of the song. Here are code examples for each application:

 * Charge Sigil (Processing)
 * Joshua Madara
 * Parts of this code were taken from
 * Joshua Noble, _Programming Interactivity_, p.203

import ddf.minim.*;
import processing.serial.*;

AudioPlayer mySong;
Minim minim;
Serial myPort;
int message = 0; // Holds the voltage value we'll send to Arduino

void setup(){
  size(600, 400);
  minim = new Minim(this);
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
  mySong = minim.loadFile("song_title.mp3");

void draw() {
  fill(0x000000, 30);
  rect(0, 0, width, height);
  // Load buffer for mySong into array mix
  float[] mix = mySong.mix.toArray();
  // Draw waveform across screen
  for(int i = 0; i < mySong.bufferSize() - 1; i++) {
    ellipse(i * 4, 200 + mix[i]*100, 5, 5);
  // Play mySong;
  // Map first value of array mix to
  // (rounded, integer) value between 0 and 255
  // that corresponds to 0 to 5 volts in Arduino
  // and set message to it
  message = int(round(map(mix[1], -1, 1, 0, 255)));
  // Send message to Arduino
  // println(message); // Uncomment to monitor message in Processing

// Stop and close minim
void stop() {

 * Charge Sigil (Arduino)
 * Joshua Madara

// Define variables for incoming message and output pin
int message = 0;
int outPin = 10;

void setup() {
  // Initiate serial connection

void loop() {
  if(Serial.available() > 0) {
    // Read message (0 to 255) from Processing, then...
    message =;
    // ...set pin 10 to corresponding voltage (0 to 5 volts)
    analogWrite(outPin, message);

To “evoke the spirit” of the sigil, I connect it in series with whatever ritual artifact(s) I am working with. E.g., a Scratch project might include the following script (assuming that the appropriate two wire pads on the sigil are connected to the Resistance-A input of the PicoBoard):

PCB Sigil Scratch Script

The “conditional stuff” could be any number of program blocks that manipulate graphics, play sounds, message other sprites to act, etc.

Here is a great video showing you how to etch using the same products as I did: