Wow, there are a lot of Arduino books coming out this year. Here are some of them, mostly from Apress or Make / O’Reilly:
- Android and Arduino: Take the Physical World Mobile With the Mega ADK
- Arduino and Kinect Projects: Design, Build, Blow Their Minds
- Arduino Robot Bonanza
- Arduino Wearables
- Arduino, Sensors, and the Cloud
- Beginning Android ADK with Arduino
- Codebox: Adventures with Processing and Arduino
- Environmental Monitoring with Arduino: Building Simple Devices to Collect Data About the World Around Us
- Getting Started with Netduino
- Getting Started with NFC: Contactless Communication with Android, Arduino, and Processing
- Getting Started with RFID: Identify Objects in the Physical World with Arduino
- Learn Electronics with Arduino
- Making Things See: 3D vision with Kinect, Processing, Arduino, and MakerBot
- Pro Arduino
- Programming Your Home: Automate with Arduino, Android, and Your Computer
- Sensor Interfaces for Arduino: Importing the Universe
I will review several of these for potential hyperRitual and projects.