Interactive Media for Occult Book Makers

Presentation Slide

In conclusion, there are two activities I recommend:

1. Go to a book store or library and look at a variety of book designs, with an eye to how they differ in the interactions they invite. Don’t skip the children’s section. As you examine the books, ask yourself: is there a way that this interaction or something like it could participate in the transmission of occult knowledge or the performance of some occult work?

2. Go online and do some Googling, and see what people are doing today with digital media and interactive content. Ask the same questions. If you let me know what you’re interested in, I can point you in some directions. I am available for consultations or collaborations, so feel free to connect with me.

[quote by Leslie Jensen-Inman]

Further Resources

4 Replies to “Interactive Media for Occult Book Makers”

  1. Hi HyperRitual,
    excellent presentation so far. I think that the figure from Matthew Reinhart & Robert Sabuda’s Encyclopaedia Mythologica volume, Dragons & Monsters, is the Medusa and not the Sphinx. I’m not 100% certain about this, but I can deduct it from her snakey hair.
    Keep up with the great work,

      1. Right, I get it now, thank you for pointing it out. I have finished watching the slide show and I find it brilliant. It does motivate to go out and start doing, creating, interacting… Please produce more work like this, we’re so thirsty for this kind of quality.

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